Gail Eskes,
PhD, R. Psych

Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology & Neuroscience,
Dalhousie University


Getting to know Dr. Eskes...

Q: Best advice anyone has given you?
Be honest with yourself and with others – follow your passions, and don’t forget to have fun!

Q.   What is your favorite thing about your career?
The inspiring people I’ve met - brilliant teachers and colleagues, enthusiastic and hard-working trainees, and selfless and devoted patients who volunteer their valuable time for our studies.

Q. What do you do to keep fit?
My passion right now is a movement practice called Nia – it uses a combination of modern dance/jazz, tai chi, kick-boxing, and yoga for flexibility and aerobic fitness.  I’m also addicted to high-intensity resistance training. 

Q. What factors influenced your career choice?
I’ve always loved mysteries – and the brain is the most interesting mystery of all!  

Dr. Eskes' research and clinical work focus on understanding the mechanisms and developing treatments for rehabilitation of cognitive deficits in individuals who have had a stroke or other forms of brain injury or disease.  To this end, she is developing computerized assessment and rehabilitation tools designed to measure and re-train attention and executive function abilities, that can be delivered remotely over the internet.  Current studies are examining the validity and efficacy of these tools in individuals post-stroke and with Parkinson's disease.  Her ultimate goal is to improve daily functioning and quality of life for these individuals.
A clinical neuropsychologist and Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience and Medicine at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She received her PhD in Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley and completed postdoctoral research and clinical training in Halifax as well as at the Rotman Research Institute at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care in Toronto, Ontario. In addition to her clinical activities, Dr. Eskes is an active educator and researcher focused on mechanisms supporting cognitive health in normal aging, as well as those involved in recovery of function after stroke and in other forms of brain injury and disease. Her research has been funded by the Heart & Stroke Foundation, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, and Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation. Currently, she is the leader of a 5-year multi-disciplinary research project supported by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency aimed at developing innovative cognitive repair technologies for stroke and Parkinson's disease.

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